April ’22 Newsletter
April 19, 2022Media Release – All Hawke’s Bay power consumers to receive $240 dividend from HBPCT
August 10, 2022Media Release July '22

The Hawke’s Bay Power Consumers’ Trust (HBPCT) have received notice of a dividend payment from Unison Networks of $15.8m for the 2021/22 financial year. “Unison Networks has navigated the challenges of a pandemic world incredibly well over the last two years, keeping the company on a steady path to growth whilst maintaining a strong focus on a building a sustainable future” said Trust Chair, Diana Kirton.
“The company has delivered a good financial result despite the labour and supply disruptions experienced worldwide during this time”. “The Trust is working closely with Unison’s directors over this time to ensure the power consumers’ best interests are always front of mind” said Kirton.
“Trustees are pleased to see the level of dividend has been maintained along with continued growth in the business”. The announcement of a $15.8m dividend to the shareholders reflects the prudent management of the company over this period. The Trust will determine the dollar value of this year’s consumer dividend payments at its next meeting on 8 August 2022.
Trustees recognised and noted the focus and attention being placed on Unison’s strategy for growth, investment and innovation, which aims to secure Unison’s financial position while increasing a return for its shareholders. “The Trust keeps a close relationship with the Directors of Unison and is supportive of investments that will ultimately yield greater returns to the consumer shareholders into the future”, said Kirton.
All power consumers connected to Unison Networks in the Napier and Hastings region will this year benefit from one dividend payment per connection, with a maximum of three payments for any one customer. “It’s an honour to represent the power consumers of Napier and Hastings and to be able to announce that once again, our consumers continue to benefit from this locally owned investment.”
Diana Kirton
Chair, HBPCT
0276 300 113